Listen to the stories so far.....
1. What is “Witlingo Stories”
Witlingo Stories is a newly launched initiative that aims to explore how to enable seniors living in a senior living community to collaboratively and easily create fictional stories together and have these stories published on
2. How would this work?
Several groups of 2 or 3 seniors sit down for 20 minute sessions, with the aim of brainstorming one children's short story during each of the 20 minute sessions. The sessions would be audio recorded and the recordings would be transcribed by the Witlingo platform and processed by Witlingo’s Generative AI short story creation system that would take the transcribed raw text and create a narrative short story out of it.
Our goal in this pilot is to gather a total between 20-30 stories from 5 participating communities, each story about 750-1,000 words, for a manuscript that runs between 15,000 to 30,000 words.
Witlingo would then gather the stories and publish them on, on behalf of the participating seniors, with the seniors retaining all copyright to the material and receiving all proceeds that the published book may generate.
3. Can you provide an example of a story that was created collaboratively)?
Yes, here is an example:
Here is the compilation so far:
4. Is there a consent form that Seniors would need to sign?
Yes. See this.
5. Why would a senior do this?
Story creation in a collaborative setting can have the following benefits for seniors:
6. What would this cost the seniors?
There is no cost to the seniors.
7. What would this cost the Senior Living community?
There is no cost to the Senior Living community. At this stage, we are seeking partners to pilot this initiative. Therefore, there will be no cost to the Senior Living community partners who would engage with us.
8. What happens to the money generated by book sales?
All money generated by book (in any of its formats) sales will go directly to the seniors. Witlingo will not retain any money.
9. Which communities are being approached for the Pilot?
Witlingo is working with the following communities:
10. What is the target publication of the pilot volume?
Witlingo plans to have the first book available on Amazon by the middle of September, 2024.
11. Is Witlingo planning to do additional books after this one?
Yes. Witlingo plans to publish a second book in October, 2024, where the stories are remembrances of a memory that participants want to share.
12. What should someone who is interested in participating in this initiative do?
Anyone interested in participating, whether a senior or a member of the staff of a senior living facility, can call us at (866) 805-5896, send an email to, or fill the form below.