Presentation Title: Seniors, Boredom and the Joy of Agency
Summary: In this presentation, I envision a hyper-personalized, in-unit smart assistant tailored for seniors in assisted living residences to aid them in managing their own health and wellness.
Presentation livestream day and time: Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021, 12:00 pm EST
Video presentation:
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#Lingofest2021 Twitter Thread here:
NOTE: ALL presentations are available to anyone to watch, whether they have money to pay or not. If you can afford to pay, please consider pitching in.
Learn more about Gildie:
Twitter: @GildieNazari
Instagram: @Gildie_Nazari
Presentation: For a PDF version of the presentation, please the presenter directly. Please note: ONLY those who registered (even if they placed a $0.00 against their name) will be provided a copy of the presentation.
For the full Lingofest 2021 schedule, please go to: