
What is a Multicast?

A multicast is a podcast composed almost entirely of short contributions, 1-3 minutes long, from several contributors, speaking one after the other. The idea behind multicasts is to expose listeners to several perspectives, opinions, and thoughts in an orderly way, so that everyone who participates gets a chance to speak without interruption or noise.

For an example of a multicast, go here.

Why should I publish a Multicast?

The sonic channel is on the steep ascendant. and this is the time to be creative with audio.  A multicast is an easy way to engage your audience by bringing together interesting voices and perspectives to create easy to publish and yet compelling podcast content.  Given that 74% of podcast listeners tune in to learn new things, multicasts can be a powerful way to deliver bite-sized information to an interested audience efficiently and cost-effectively.  Moreover, compared to traditional podcasts, multicasts are easy to create and deliver, since the content is coming from several people, none of whom is burdened with something difficult to do.  Your ask as the producer of a multicast is this: Can you share one to three minutes your thoughts on this topic'?  No one can refuse such an ask.

Are Multicasts good for my SEO?

Yes.  If you do it right, a multicast can be a very good thing for your SEO.

Here's one way: People love to be part of a podcast and will link to a page on your website that publishes your podcast and a short bio about the contributors.  10 contributors is 10 link backs.  Have 10 deifferent contributors per month and you have more than 100 link backs.

Secondly: by providing the content of a multicast not only as a podcast but also as an Audio Wall, people will visit the page where you host the audio wall and will stay a long time there listening to the content. As they are listening, and only listening (vs. video where their eyes are captive), your visitors can also read the page and peruse its content.  And if there are actions the for them to take, they may take those actions.  Longer dwell time combined with greater likelihood to convert together form is a solid one-two combination punch for your SEO.

Why should I use Witlingo rather than any of the other podcast platforms?

Witlingo is a cloud-based Audio content management system (CMS) provider that enables you to collect, curate, package, and publish short form audio in many ways.  All you need to do is solicit the audio of your multicast and then our software does the rest: clean it, add backgound music to it, and when you are ready, publish on all of the podcasting platforms out there.  What is more,  you can also publish your multicast as as an Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing, a Google Assistant News Briefing, as well as embed it in the form of audio stations on in your website and on social media platforms.  So, in a nutshell, Witlingo gives not only what podcasting platforms give you, but much more.

What do I do next?

Please visit our pricing page and register to one of our offerings.


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