A Glossary of Engagement Terms

For information on how Witlingo can help streamline communications in Senior Living communities, please go here.

Advocacy: Actions taken to influence decision-makers in favor of a particular cause or policy beneficial to the community.

Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD): A methodology that focuses on community strengths and assets as the basis for development.

Capacity Building: Strengthening the skills, abilities, and resources of community members and organizations to enhance their effectiveness.

Civic Engagement: Active participation in the public life of a community in an informed, committed, and constructive manner, with a focus on the common good.

Civic Participation: Involvement in activities related to governance and community decision-making, such as voting or attending public meetings.

Collaboration: Working together with community members and organizations to achieve common goals.

Collective Impact: A collaborative approach where multiple organizations commit to a common agenda to solve complex social problems.

Community Engagement: The process of working collaboratively with community groups to address issues that impact their well-being.

Community Forum: A public meeting place where community members can come together to discuss issues, share information, and collaborate on solutions.

Community Mapping: A participatory approach to identify and visualize community resources, assets, and issues.

Community Organizing: Mobilizing community members to advocate for shared interests and drive social change.

Community Survey: A method of collecting data and opinions from community members to inform decision-making and identify needs.

Consensus Building: A process of finding mutually acceptable solutions through inclusive and cooperative decision-making.

Deliberative Dialogue: Structured conversations where community members discuss issues, share diverse perspectives, and seek common ground.

Empowerment: Enabling community members to take control of their own development and make decisions that affect their lives.

Facilitation: Guiding and managing group discussions and activities to ensure productive and inclusive participation.

Feedback Loop: A system for collecting, analyzing, and responding to input from community members to improve programs and services.

Grassroots Mobilization: The effort to engage and activate community members at the local level to advocate for change.

Inclusion: Ensuring that all community members, particularly marginalized groups, have the opportunity to participate and be heard.

Outreach: Activities designed to communicate and connect with community members to inform them about services, opportunities, or events.

Participatory Budgeting: A democratic process where community members directly decide how to allocate part of a public budget.

Participatory Planning: A planning approach that actively involves the community in the process of developing and implementing plans.

Public Participation: Involvement of community members in the decision-making process, ensuring their voices are heard and considered.

Social Capital: The networks, relationships, and norms that facilitate collective action within a community.

Social Cohesion: The bonds that bring community members together, fostering trust, solidarity, and a sense of belonging.

Stakeholders: Individuals or groups with an interest in the success and outcomes of a community initiative.

Sustainability: Creating initiatives that can be maintained over the long term without exhausting community resources.

Transparency: Openness in the communication and decision-making processes, allowing community members to see how decisions are made and actions are taken.

Visioning: A process where community members collectively imagine and plan for the future they desire, setting long-term goals and strategies.

Volunteerism: Offering time and skills to help others or contribute to community projects without financial compensation.

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