Title: The ABCs of Explainable VUI Design.
Summary: In this talk, I will present the Why, What and How of Explainable VUI Design and I will show with specific examples how to use Linguistic knowledge and Speech Recognition limitations to design effective and affable voice and conversational interfaces.
Youtube Video Premiere day and time: Monday, March 22nd, 2021, 12:00 pm EST
Register here: https://events.com/r/en_US/registration/lingofest-2021-803270
NOTE: ALL presentations are available to anyone to watch, whether they have money to pay or not. If you can afford to pay, please feel free to pitch in.
Video presentation:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aretoulaki/
Twitter: @ar3toul4ki
Wesbite: http://dialogconnection.com/
For the full Lingofest 2021 schedule, please go to: https://lingofest2021.com/