Title: An Interview with Bruce Balentine.
Summary: Ahmed Bouzid of Witlingo interviews Bruce Balentine, Chief Scientist Emeritus at The Enterprise Integration Group, Inc., and author of several books on speech technology and voice automation.
Bruce gave a Lingofest presentation earlier this year titled, “Discoverability in Conversational Interfaces.” To watch it, go here.
Register here: https://events.com/r/en_US/registration/lingofest-2021-803270
NOTE: ALL presentations are available to anyone to watch, whether they have money to pay or not. If you can afford to pay, please feel free to pitch in.
Video presentation:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bruce-balentine-89039/
Twitter: @brucebalentine
Website: http://www.eiginc.com/WP/
For the full Lingofest 2021 schedule, please go to: https://lingofest2021.com/