Sonic Sunday — 04/17/2022

Here are a few items on matters sonic -- voice, sound and audio -- that I hope you will find interesting. As always, we would love to hear from you. To sign up for a Witlingo account, please go here.

The Audio Spotlight version of the summary of the newsletter, please go here.

1. This week's Poll: "Where is your company in the Podcast Adoption Spectrum?" To cast your vote, please go here.

2. Quote of the week: "The human voice has a warm and appealing quality to it. Social audio has only started unfurling its wings right now. It still has to make a long flight to realise its full potential of revolutionising the social media networking segment." Source.

3. Worth reading:

4. Worth WatchingThe latest episode of Lingofest. This week, it's Part One of our interview with Jay Yeo, Industry Solutions Consultant at ORI about her academic work and writings on the importance of audio for understanding the past.

5. Worth Attending: Project Voice coming up , April 25th - 28th, 2022, in Chattanooga, TN.  To register, please go here.

Guess the movie: And now for some fun! Can you tell what movie this is just from the audio? Go here and try it out.

  • For this week, the movie was a stumper -- no one submitted the right answer -- The Great Debaters.

If you want to hear what people are saying about Witlingo, check out these audio testimonials:

Sonic Sunday -- The Boom is Coming! is a weekly digest on interesting matters Sonic, brought to you by Witlingo.  To receive the newsletter via email, please click here.  For an archive of previous issues, please click here.

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