Sonic Sunday — 05/23/2021

Here are a few items on matters sonic, voice, and audio, that we hope you will find interesting.

1. Social Audio has arrived — and with a vengeance! If you want to get a good overview of what's happening on that front, listen to this podcast by Voice Tech and audio specialist Suze Cooper and Twitter marketing expert Madalyn Sklar.

I also recommend following Suze Cooper's Twitter Space, which airs every Wednesday at 3pm ET, and Bret Kinsella's Clubhouse room, "Conversational AI Happy Hour," which airs every Friday at 3:00 pm EST.

2. "Brands Are Coming for Your Ears" - a great piece giving you the big picture about the surging sonic wave --

3. If you want to painlessly dip into what Sonic Branding is about, lisen to Sonic Brander Jeanna Isham's podcast, "Sound in Marketing” —

4. To catch up on the latest news on matters sonic, watch the latest episode of Voice Spark Live here

5. This week's Lingofest presentation was given by Andi Munsie, Conversational Product Placement Voice Influencer. You can watch it here: — for past Lingofest presentations, go to: -- PS: A big Thank you! to all who have supported Lingofest. We list their names here.

You can find additional Sonic Resources here:

Sonic Sunday -- The Boom is Coming! is a weekly digest on interesting matters Sonic, brought to you by Witlingo.

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