How to enable the AARP Total Health Flash Briefing

How to enable the AARP Total Health Flash Briefing

This page walks you through how to set up the Amazon Alexa Total Health Flash Briefing.

1. On your desktop, laptop, or tablet, click on this link.

2. If you are already logged into your Amazon account, you will see the page showing on Step 3.   Otherwise, click in on "Sign in" and log into to your Amazon account.

3. Now that you are logged into your Alazon account, click on the "Enable" button.


4. You will now see this screen.

5. You have now enabled the Flash Briefing.  To listen to it, just say, "Alexa, Flash Briefing."

6. If you already have other Flash Briefings enabled and you wish to have the Total Health Flash Briefing played first, follow these steps.

7. On your desktop, laptop, or tablet, go to: ​​

8. If you are signed in, it shoudl take you to the screen shown in Step 11. 

9. Otherwise, you will be taken to a sign-in page that looks like this:

10. Enter your Amazon account information and click the blue “sign in” button.  Make sure that you are using the same Amazon account that you used to set up your Echo device.

11. This should take you to a page like this.

12. Next, check on the flash briefing by going to "Settings." Look for "Flash Briefing" to the right of the menu, under the “Alexa Preference” section.

13. You will see a screen like this.

14. If you’d like to have the Total Health Flash Briefing be the first one that Alexa will play for you, then click on “Edit Order”

15. Then drag the last row all the way to the top and click on done. The screen will now look like this.  Make sure you save your order.  Your screen should look something like this.

16. Now go to your Echo and say, “Alexa, Flash Briefing” and you should hear the Total Health Flash Briefing play first.

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