Power Boost Your Amazon Connect IVR with a Custom ChatGPT Integration

If your organization has deployed an Amazon Connect IVR/IVA/Voicebot and you wish to turbo charge its ability to answer questions precisely and succinctly, Witling is here to help.

Let Witlingo launch a custom ChatGPT bot trained exclusievly on your content -- and only your content. Witlingo accepts web pages, word documents, PDF documents, PowerPoint presentations, and audio-visual files.

We will work with your team to connect your IVR/IVA/Voicebot application with your Witlingo-built, hosted and maintained ChatGPT-based bot.

Note that you will be able to add, update and modify your bot's content in any way by just logging into your Witlingo account.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact the form below. We will be happy to engage.

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