How Microcasts and Shortform Audio Help your SEO

A microcast is a shortform podcast whose episodes are 1 to 5 minutes long and that is published several times a week.

Microcasts are interesting to a digital marketer for many reasons, but mainly because they are a cost effective way of boosting your SEO.

First, if you publish your microcast on the main podcasting platforms -- such as, Apple, Google, Stitcher, or Spotify -- and include in the description of your each episode links back to pages on your website, you will have created strong linkbacks that will increase the ranking of your website.

Second, if you include in your episode descriptions the right keywords about what your company does, when people search in the podcast platform for anything related to what you do, your podcast episodes will emerge, surfacing your website and your brand in those searches.

In other words, rather than compete only in the usual large search engines, where it's very expensive to get the top spots, and even more expensive to stay there, have a solid presence in the many other places where people search. And people do search on podcasts platforms.
Third, did you know that users stay an average of 27% more time on a page that includes an audio or a video than on pages that don't? And longer time spent on a page means lower bounce rates, and that is good for your SEO.

And fourth, by using the automatic transcription feature provided by Witlingo of the audios that you are creating, you have an easy and effective way of collecting original content. One minute of audio is about 150 words, so that 5 minutes gives you 750 words or so, which is the perfect size for a blog post. And as we know, the more frequently you post new content, the higher your authority grows and the more your SEO will benefit.

For more, please read this article.

You can also watch this video for a deep dive into how podcasts can help you with your SEO.

To learn more about how you can use microcasts and shortform audio to improve your SEO, please fill out the form below or end an email to

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