Sonic Sunday — 05/09/2021

Here are a few items on matters sonic, voice, and audio, that we hope you will find interesting.

1. Watch this great Lingofest presentation by Conversation Designer and Audio virtuoso Benjamin McCulloch, titled: "An audio primer for conversation designers." You can watch it here: -- More great Lingofest presentations here:

2. Check out this interesting Linkedin thread, initiated by Digital Assistant Academy Founder, Shyamala Prayaga, the topic is: Is Clubhouse fading out or is just quickly moving through the hype cycle? Feel free to chime in:

3. Georgetown University students Ulie XuJungyoon Koh, and Deborah Keme were winners of a highly competitive Salesforce chat contest. Congrats to the team. Learn about their accomplisment here:

4. To catch up on the latest news on matters sonic, watch the latest episode of Voice Spark Live (VSL)*:

5. To keep this note short, we've gathered and stowed away some good Sonic Resources in on this page -- check it out here.

PS: A big Thank you! to all who have supported Lingofest. We list their names here.

Sonic Sunday -- The Boom is Coming! is a weekly digest on interesting matters Sonic, brought to you by Witlingo.

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