Sonic Sunday — 10/24/2021

Here are a few items on matters sonic, voice, and audio, that we hope you will find interesting.

1. New from WitlingoAudio NFTs.

2. Worth a readHow Will The Explosion of Social Audio Impact B2B Influencer Marketing?

3. Worth a readThe Rise of Audio Content: Why Your Business Needs to Listen Up

4. Worth listening to: The latest episode of Sound in MarketingWhat is Sensory Marketing: Part Two?

5. Worth watchingThe Latest episode of Lingofest. This one is with Voice First Pioneer, Leor Grebler, the co-creator of The Ubi, the very first Far Field Voice device shipped before the launch of the Amazon Echo.

You can find additional Sonic Resources here:

For an archive of previous issues of Sonic Sunday, please go here:

Enjoy, be safe, and have a wonderful rest of Sunday!

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Sonic Sunday -- The Boom is Coming! is a weekly digest on interesting matters Sonic, brought to you by Witlingo.

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