Witlingo – 4.0 Release Notes

We are happy to announce that Witlingo 4.0 is now generally available.

To register, please go here: https://radio.witlingo.com/admin/auth/register

In addition to several enhancements, here are some new features that we are now making generally available.

  1. The ability to collect audios via phone calls.  In addition to being able to record audios from web pages, users can now call a phone number, enter a code, and leave an audio recording from a simple telephone.  This feature is available from the "Station" page.
  2. Sentiment Analytics: We have added several dashboards that enable you to assess and analyze contributor sentiment as expressed in their audios.
  3. The ability to create a list of contributors with preset information to avoid having to re-enter such information.
  4. The ability to clone audios.
  5. The ability to search audios by name, subject, transciption, and profanity.
  6. The ability to select whether an audio is added to an Audio Widget or to an RSS Feed (or to both)
  7. New widgets:
    • The Voicegrammer
    • The Spotlighter

Some useful information

We are always eager to hear from out customers.  If you have any suggestions, feedback, please use the form below or email us directly via support@witlingo.com.

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