Sonic Sunday — 08/29/2021

Here are a few items on matters sonic, voice, and audio, that we hope you will find interesting.

1. Worth reading is this piece from The Verge: "The Next Big Social Network Trend? Shortform Audio."

2. Also worth reading is this piece about innovation via copying and replicating: "Saturday Solologues: When copying is in vogue."

3. If you or your company publish a podcast, read about how your can leverage social audio to increase your audience's engagement.

4. Chek out this poll on whether or not Social Audio is a fad.

5. Ahmed Bouzid, CEO of Witlingo, appeared on this week's episode of "The Encouragers Podcast: Innovation in Audio," where he shared his thoughts on, among other things, innovation, how it feels to work with A players, and the issue of the "Alexa" name hijacking.

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Sonic Sunday -- The Boom is Coming! is a weekly digest on interesting matters Sonic, brought to you by Witlingo.

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